We have agreed on the ideals embodied in these statements to help guide us in our interactions with one another and in our decision-making.
New View Community Values
Community Values |
1. We value positive connections and honor and respect personal privacy. |
2. We value kindness, taking responsibility, personally and communally, for our actions, interactions, and communications and for our shared physical structures. |
3. We value participation and active contribution to community life. |
4. We value thoughtful stewardship of our land, and positive impact on the ecosystem with concern for the future of the earth. |
5. We value processes that enhance community decision making including the consensus process. We value making community decisions that prioritize the best interests of the community. |
6. We value and respect diversity. We actively solicit and honor differences. |
7. We value celebrating life together and supporting each other in good and difficult times. |
New View Rights and Responsibilities
Rights |
Responsibilities |
1. You have the right to feel physically and emotionally safe and secure anywhere in the community. |
1. All members of the community, adults and children, are responsible for acting to insure the physical and emotional safety of each other. |
2. You have the right to be treated respectfully by all members of the community. |
2. You have the responsibility for considering the impact of the words and actions of all members of your household (including pets) on others in the community and for treating members of the community respectfully. |
3. You have the right to express your opinions and feelings without fear of negative consequences. |
3. You have the responsibility for expressing your ideas in a manner which is both sensitive and appropriate. |
4. You have the right to define the ways in which you will meet your responsibilities for supporting the needs of the community. |
4. You have the responsibility for contributing to the community in such a way that its needs can be met. |
5. You have the right to determine how information of a confidential nature will be communicated. |
5. You have the responsibility for insuring that an individual's desire for confidentiality will be respected. |
6. You have the right to express religious, spiritual, political or other views of a personal nature in the community. |
6. You have the responsibility for insuring that public expressions of one's views are presented in such a way so as to respect the rights of those who do not share in them or wish to participate in them. |
7. You have the right to privacy of action within your own home and the right to the exclusive use of your own yard. |
7. You have the responsibility to abide by all local, state and federal laws while in (or with respect to) public areas of the community. |
8. You have the right to your own beliefs and values. |
8. You have the responsibility for demonstrating tolerance towards those whose beliefs and values are different from yours. |
9. You have the right to free use of all those things which the community owns in common. |
9. You have the responsibility to share and care for those things which the community holds in common such that you do not deprive others of their use. |
10. You have the right to have conflicts permanently resolved. |
10. You have the responsibility to work in good faith toward conflict resolution. |